Book Release and Upcoming Events

Hello Brave One,

Last March I committed to writing a book about being in service to loved ones who have died.Cover shotIt has taken me over a year to write, edit, and create the actual book. It is titled: Wonders At The Veil.

My intention as I wrote this book was to make it accessible to people of all spiritual paths. This week I will be taking delivery of copies of the book. Needless to say I am kinda excited!

If you would like more information about the book or to purchase your copy, I invite you to follow this link: If you would like to know what the Table of Contents looks like follow the same link and make sure you scroll down a tad. There are two upcoming events that I would love to have you attend or share the info with others who might be interested.

April 22nd. A good friend is hosting a celebration at her home in Eagle, Wisconsin. During this celebration I will share a little bit about the practice of being in service to loved ones as well as what one can expect to learn from reading the book. Below is a brief explanation.

Please join us to celebrate the publication of Wonders At The Veil
by Lynn Stull
Friday, April 22 from 7-9 pm
Lynn will present a short talk and sign books. Light appetizers will be served.

If you would like to attend this private celebration please send me a personal email and I will get you the details. (

May 6th. I will be speaking at the Emmaus Branch of Anthroposophy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This is part of a series that the branch is sponsoring called: Matters of Life and Death.

The topic of that event:
Create a Living Relationship With Your Loved One Who Has Died
Now is the time in our spiritual evolution to lift the veil between ourselves and our loved ones who have died. In this interactive talk we will look at why it was not appropriate for those at the time of Christ to have contact with the dead and why now it is essential. You will learn practical activities to safely engage and serve your loved ones, clues as to where they might be in their spiritual journey and why is important to know, and the five steps for collaboration.

If you would like details about this event please email me directly at:

If you live outside the Milwaukee area please contact me about how we can coordinate an event in your area. Whether it is in the Milwaukee area or your hometown, I look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you so much for your ongoing support! Please feel free to share this email with a friend.

Now is the time in our spiritual evolution to lift the veil between us and our loved ones who have died.

Kind regards,

ps. Coming soon details about the Institute for Veil Work

Verse, Poem, or Prayer for Your Spiritual Reading Practice

Dear Brave One,

How are you doing with your daily practice of reading spiritual materials to your loved one? A question I frequently get asked is: What verse, poem, or prayer should I open my spiritual reading practice with?

Whatever verse, poem, or poetry you choose you want it to contain specific elements which I will share in a moment. But first here are some practical ideas: choose a verse, poem, or prayer that was a favorite of your loved one, choose one of your favorites, or feel free to use the verse that I used way back In 1997 when I started reading to my daughter and other loved ones:
I gaze upon thee
In the spiritual world
In which thou art.May my love mitigate thy warmth,
May my love mitigate thy cold,
May it reach out to thee and help thee
To find thy way
Through spirit darkness
To spirit light.Upward to thee strive the love of my soul,
Upward to thee flow the stream of my love!
May they sustain thee,
May they enfold thee,
In heights of Hope
In spheres of Love.
– Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925)

Today, I utilize many different verses, poems and prayers however this verse still holds a special place in my heart and highly recommend it for opening your spiritual practice of reading several reasons. This verse immediately starts to create a bridge to the deceased using images that are evoked through the words contained within the verse. Also notice when you speak the verse how your heart starts to soften. This is what we strive for when we communicate with our loved ones — strong mental images and a heart that is open and soft; filled with loved and devotion towards them.

What verse, prayer or poem did you choose to open your reading practice with? I would love to hear from you. Post your verse below along with any comments or feel free to message or email me privately.

Stay brave and true to yourself on this path. Many will tell you to ‘move on’ with your life. Easing Grief is not about ‘moving on.’ Now is the time in the world’s spiritual evolution to have a conscious living relationship to those who have died. It is all about service and love.


*If you like this information I shared with you today, please share this blog with someone you care about.

*Sign up for more ideas on staying connected and serving your loved one who has died at:

*For weekly inspirations: like us on Facebook at: FB

By Lynn Stull, March 19th, 2015

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