Three Things You Can Do For An Adult Who Has Died

Bravo! Well done!

Viola M. Frymann, DO FAAO FCA

Last night I heard the news that Dr. Viola Frymann died at 94 yrs old. A world-renown doctor who was also a mother. Dr. Frymann’s son, Paul, died in her arms as an infant. Her child’s death changed the course of her medical career and she turned towards specifically serving and healing children – especially those who had a difficult diagnosis.

I love and respect this woman deeply. So grateful for the love, respect and care she gave Lara, and all children. She actually had a concert pianist play as she would give Lara her cranial treatments. The pianist played Chopin often for Lara.

It also was a great blessing to have met so many extraordinary children and parents through this great physician and healer.

Here are three things that we can do for adults who have died:

*Think of a vivid memory that you had experienced with them infuse this memory picture with your love.

*Think of their special contribution that they gave to their loved ones as well
as the larger community and infuse this thought with love.

*Bring a vivid image of them in front of you and read a prayer, poem, or
spiritual material, which you feel would be appropriate to them, and read it to them. I prefer reading it aloud. But in silence is ok also. If you prefer to sing or play an instrument — that is lovely too. Infuse this activity with your love.

After we die one of the things we will be held accountable for in the spiritual world is if we utilized our gifts and talents appropriately while here on earth. I am pretty darn confident the spiritual world has received Dr. Frymann with open arms and saying: “Bravo! Well done! You have lived your life fully!”

Dr. Frymann, are an inspiration to me and I thank you.


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