Invite COLOR Into Your Spiritual Practice

Shortly after establishing my spiritual reading practice with my loved ones who had died, I received an impulse to pick up one of my daughter’s crayons and to color. The sound of the crayon across the paper was quite soothing and is still fresh in my memory.

My soul, my feeling life, became quite numb after my daughter’s death. Developing a spiritual relationship with color invited a kind of movement into my soul. And I also found the more I studied and experienced the spiritual nature of colors my relationship with my loved ones developed in a new way. Looking back it was another doorway which opened expanding my capacity to communicate with them. I know the impulse to explore color was a gift from them. Somehow they knew how much my soul would be nourished by color and the exploration of colors was an activity that we could participate in together.

Additionally it is helpful to know that the spiritual beings, particularly the Third Hierarchy – the Archai, Archangels, and Angels, are connected to color and your interest in color delights this spiritual hierarchy, as well as, your loved ones.

It is easy to start to cultivate this relationship to color. Begin to notice color in your life: in the clouds at sunrise or sunset, the flowers in your garden, or the eyes of your friend or lover. Where does color catch your attention? Check in and notice how you feel towards all the different colors that come to meet you in this day. How do these colors move your soul?

In the Easing Grief Home Study Program I speak to the specific colors and offer color exercises that support creating a living relationship with those who have died.

Now is the time in our evolution to develop a conscious, living relationship to our loved ones who have died. I hope you agree.

Lynn Stull
Founder of
Creator of Easing
By Lynn Stull|September 29th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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